Privacy Policy

The Temple Music Foundation is a charity registered in England and Wales number 1095141 and is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales number 4594413.

The Temple Music Foundation (TMF) has responsibility for concerts, events and fundraising to deliver its charitable objectives. We consider that the Temple Music Foundation has a strong and legitimate interest to inform customers, friends and supporters of our activities to help sustain our work in future. We seek to communicate with our audiences whilst respecting personal privacy choices. Respecting the privacy and data of our customers, friends and supporters is of great importance to us.

This Privacy Policy sets out how the TMF might collect and use your data and reminds you of your rights.

Protection Statement

The Temple Music Foundation needs to collect, store and process personal data in order to carry out its functions and charitable activities. The Temple Music Foundation is a registered Data Controller with the ICO (Registration Number ZA239875).

TMF is committed to only using the personal data it collects in accordance with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and any replacement laws, guidance or codes of practice issued by the European Data Protection Board or the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

All staff and other authorised third parties, who have access to any personal data held by or on behalf of TMF, must adhere to TMF’s Privacy Policy and associated Codes of Practice.

Personal data in our database is held on the organisation’s secure servers, with access restricted to authorised personnel and agencies only. Most information that we hold will have been obtained directly from you, and some from publicly available sources freely available online and in print.

What information do we collect?

Personal data held and processed by TMF may include:

Contact and communications information, such as:
Your contact details
Your communication preferences
Records of communications and interactions we have had with you
Biographical information, such as:
Your name, gender, and date of birth
Your family and partner/spousal details
Your professional activities and employment, including work contact details

Interests and preferences:
Your musical interests
Social media posts (publicly available)
Financial information, such as:
Details of financial transactions e.g. concert tickets purchased
Your donation history (including gift amount), purpose, date, method of payment, cheque numbers or other payment references
Your bank account number, name and sort code (used for processing Direct Debits)
Tax status and Gift Aid declaration information

Please note that we do not collect or store any credit/debit card details in our database if you have used these in transactions with TMF.

How the Temple Music Foundation uses data

We aim to be clear when we collect your data and not to do anything you wouldn’t reasonably expect.

This data collected is used to support a full range of activities for and in relation to our customers, friends and supporters.

These include:
Providing you with information about our work and our activities. This might include sending you publications, e-newsletters or concert listings.
Conducting visitor surveys, focus groups and other research.
Internal record keeping, including the management of any feedback or complaints.
Administrative purposes e.g. regarding a donation you have made or an event for which you have purchased tickets.
Furthering our charitable objectives, including seeking help to raise money or by asking you to donate money to the Temple Music Foundation.
Transfer to HM Revenue and Customs in respect of any Gift Aid claims.
Profiling and research to gain a better understanding of our supporters, inform our fundraising strategy and target our communications more effectively and appropriately.

We try to ensure that the ways in which we communicate with you, such as sending out publications, inviting you to events, or advising you about our fundraising priorities, do not conflict with your chosen communication channel preferences (for example, by post, telephone or electronic means).                    

Digital tools may be used to monitor the impact of our communications, such as using email tracking to record when an email we send to you has been opened or using Google Analytics and other analysis tools.

We will give you the opportunity to opt out, at any time, from any marketing or fundraising email or postal communications.

Please note, that if you have opted out of receiving marketing or fundraising communications, we may still contact you for other reasons. For example, we may email you to give you important information about the events for which you’ve booked or to contact you for research purposes in line with our charitable aims e.g. audience surveys.

Like most websites, we receive and store certain details whenever you use the Temple Music website. We use “cookies” to help us make our site – and the way you might use it – better.

Cookies mean that a website will remember you and enable online transactions. It also helps us understand how you use our website, where we can make improvements and how best to tell our audiences about events they might be interested in.

Third party organisations

We may share anonymised personal information with other organisations, particularly funders, who use this to analyse overall audience profile, ticket sales and self-generated funding.

The Temple Music Foundation does not sell any of its data to third party organisations.

Social Media

We use social media to broadcast messages and updates about events and news. On occasion we may reply to comments or questions you make to us on social media platforms. You may also see adverts from us on social media that are tailored to your interests.

Depending on your settings or the privacy policies of social media and messaging services like Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, you might give third parties (such as the Temple Music Foundation) permission to access information from those accounts or services.

Respecting Donors and Developing New Relationships

To ensure that our communications are relevant to you and your interests, and to assess your likely ability and interest in supporting the Temple Music Foundation financially, we may use additional information such as your transaction history, geographical information and measures of affluence where available from external sources to assist us. This will be a combination of publicly-available information, for example drawn from company resources and news media and information you have provided us, such as past donations and career information. We may use publicly available data from social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, depending on your privacy settings and/or interaction with us. This enables us to better understand you as our supporter and make appropriate requests for support.  We may also carry out research using publicly available information to identify individuals who may have an affinity with our cause but with whom we are not already in touch.

As a fundraising organisation with a very small team, from time to time we engage specialist agencies whose operations meet the regulatory requirements for GDPR who may gather information about you from publicly available sources, for example Companies House, the Electoral Register, company websites, public ‘rich lists’, social networks such as Linkedin, political and property registers and news archives through desk research and/or wealth screening.

If you do not wish the Temple Music Foundation to undertake this activity, please email


TMF commits to holding your data securely, both in its digital systems and in appropriate staff access protocols, and treating it with sensitivity.

We maintain a customer relationship management (CRM) system to hold contact details and a record of your interactions with TMF such as ticket purchases, donations, memberships, queries, complaints and attendance at events. This is held on a secure server and is password protected. All data collected by our website is held on a secure server which is password protected.

When data is temporarily stored on a member of staff’s computer for the purposes of marketing or fundraising activity it will be held in a password protected document on a device which is also password protected. It will be deleted as soon as the purpose for which it is held has been completed.

Your rights

The Temple Music Foundation will maintain a database record for you for as long as you engage with TMF’s activities. If, after 6 years, your digital record on our database shows no activity (e.g. you have not purchased tickets, or received e-newsletters), we will not retain this record. Please note that references to your transaction with us might remain within our archives e.g. printed programmes, financial accounts.

If you advise us that you no longer wish to remain in touch, we will keep a record of that fact but not retain any information about you for which we no longer have any purpose.

You have a right to request copies of the data that we hold about you and to ask us to stop processing your personal data in certain ways (where it is not necessary for the purpose you provided it to us, such as informing you about an event you are attending or processing your donation).

Please contact for any requests or related enquiries. We will however need to keep a sufficient record of name, address and your stated preference to ensure that your data is not further used for such processing.

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any significant changes to this policy or to the way we treat your data will be communicated via website or by contacting you directly through the most appropriate means.

Contact Us

Post: Data Protection, Temple Music Foundation, 1 Inner Temple Lane, Temple, London, EC4Y 1AF
Telephone: 020 7427 5641


Last updated July 2020.


The safety of our audience, musicians and staff comes first.