Magna Carta 1215 to 2015

By Sophie Ambler, Thomas Asbridge, Robin Griffith-Jones, John Laws, A E Dick Howard and Paul Seaward

Price: £10

To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay right to justice

The Temple Church is the Collegiate Church of Inner and Middle Temple, two of London’s four ancient Inns of Court. Every barrister – that is, almost every litigating attorney – must be a member of one of these four colleges. The Church itself enjoys the status of Royal Peculiar and is under the care of Her Majesty The Queen; she entrusts the Church’s maintenance to Inner and Middle Temple, who have supported and beautified the Church through every reign since King James I committed it to their care in 1608.

Wherever our own homeland may be, let us give thanks, in words from Magna Carta and from England’s historic Book of Common Prayer, for all those who work for justice in that land which we love and throughout the world.

Most Gracious God, we give you most hearty thanks for all such liberties and rights as are held well and peacefully, feely and quietly, fully and completely by ourselves and all in our land. We pray for all who serve in maintenance of our laws: that they shall serve our faithfully to your glory and to the present and future welfare of our nation, shall truly and indifferently minister justice, and so order all things brought to their care that peace and happiness, truth and justice shall be established among us for ourselves and for generations yet to come. Amen.



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